Amazon to up India investment to $26bn by 2030

Amazon has announced plans to up its total investment in India to reach $26 billion by 2030.

The retail giant’s chief executive Andrew Jassy has told Indian president Narendra Modi that the company will invest an additional $15 billion in the country over the next seven years.

The commitment was made when the pair met during Modi’s first state visit to Washington DC last week.

In a wide-ranging conversation, the pair discussed topics including Indian startups, enabling exports, and putting measures in place to empower individuals and small businesses in the country to compete globally.

Amazon pledged to digitise 10 million small businesses, enable $20 billion in exports, and create two million jobs in India by 2025 having reportedly digitised over 6.2 million small businesses, enabled over $7 billion in exports, and created over 1.3 million direct and indirect jobs to date.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced it would invest around $13 billion into India’s cloud infrastructure by 2030 with claims the investment would add over $23 billion to the GDP of the country and create several thousand jobs locally in areas including engineering and telecommunications.

AWS’s investment adds to the $3.7 billion Amazon invested in India between 2016 and 2022, bringing the total amount to around $16 billion by 2030 as part of the $26 billion commitment.

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