UK government announces data-driven initiatives which could save taxpayer '1bn annually'

The Cabinet Office has announced four new “data-driven” projects within the UK government which could save the taxpayer up to £1 billion annually.

The projects are part of the Evaluation Task Force’s Accelerator Fund, which grants funds to departments to improve evaluation of policy within government.

The government said the projects will test and develop new data-driven approaches to policy-making and evaluation, further building on around £12 million in funding awarded across 16 projects in the first round of funding last year.

One project was granted around £450,000 for work being done by the Department for Transport to explore how mobile network operator data can be used to support initiatives targeting electric vehicle (EV) uptake and usage.

It is hoped that the project will deliver metrics which determine factors including where more EV charging points are needed while assessing the overall health of the sector throughout the UK.

Another successful bid has received £500,000 and will see the Cabinet Office evaluate how service improvements, including digitising paper-based workflows across government, can help realise cost savings.

Jeremy Quinn, minister for the Cabinet Office commented: “This funding will help teams drive innovation across government, creating the tools and data departments need to become more efficient and drive value for money.”

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