UK government invests over £200m in green aviation

The UK aerospace industry will receive a £218 million investment from the government and industry to develop green aviation technology and fund research projects.

The funding, which is being delivered through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Programme, will help develop landing gear, carbon efficient aircraft wings, engines and sensors.

The investment builds on £3.2 billion of government and industry funding given to the ATI for the sector since 2013.

Around ten projects will benefit from the funding, which will be led by companies including Airbus and Rolls-Royce.

The government says that the investment will lead to jobs and economic growth across the UK, adding that past investment have created thousands of green jobs, with 90 per cent outside of London and the southeast.

Commenting on the news Nusrat Ghani, minister for industry and economic security, said: “We want to achieve net zero air travel by 2050, and I want UK firms to lead the way developing the exciting technologies of the future. Backing our innovators will attract even more investment and create massive export opportunities for British firms.”

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