The UK government’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory has developed an x-ray robot which could save lives in military situations.
It said the robot allows personnel to look inside containers, cars and walls for hidden weapons or explosives without being near them.
The robot uses x-ray backscatter (XRBS) imaging technology which forms an image by sweeping a small beam of x-rays on the target. These are then reflected back using detectors mounted on the front of an imager.
Operators using the robot, which has been developed in collaboration with the US government, are able to scan large areas quickly to provide increased situational awareness. The government says these capabilities would give troops an operational advantage.
A scientist working on the project said: “X-ray backscatter is an established technology but what we are trying to do is apply it to explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) – this approach is novel.”
They added: “Being able to robotically mount x-ray backscatter provides additional situational awareness, potentially to see if there is a threat item without having to go anywhere near it. It feels amazing to be involved in a project that could go on to save lives.”
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