Twitch to ban gambling website links

Twitch has provided an update on gambling content on its platform and stated that it will be updating its gambling content policy from 18 October.

The policy change decision comes after some users of the platform circumvented the live streaming company’s rules around the prohibition of sharing links or referral codes to sites that include slots, roulette, or dice games that are not licensed either in the US or other jurisdictions which provide sufficient consumer protection.

The sites will include,, and, and others may be identified moving forward, Twitch said.

It added that it would continue to allow links to websites focused on sports betting, fantasy sports, and poker since these offerings are considered to be games of skill opposed to games of luck.

The move follows a separate policy change in which Twitch and other tech giants said they would be changing their policies and removing more content as part of a White House summit on fighting hate-fuelled violence.

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