Mango creates AI campaign for teen collection

Mango has created a new campaign for a teen collection that is generated entirely by generative AI (genAI.)

The move forms part of the company’s strategic plan over the next two years to "create value" through technological development and data management.

The campaign is for the fashion brand’s limited-edition Sunset Dream collection, aimed at its teenage customers.

The retailer has so far developed over 15 machine learning platforms since 2018, which each apply AI across different parts of the business, including in pricing and personalisation.

Mango's chief information technology officer Jordi Alex said that the company's latest initiative reflects its ongoing commitment to innovation and being "on the cutting edge of the fashion world."

"Artificial intelligence is a technological revolution that presents great opportunities that should act as a co-pilot to extend the capabilities of our employees and further amplify our creativity," continued Alex. "Because technology will either make us more human or it won't.”

A variety of internal teams collaborated on the development of the campaign, including Mango Teen's design, art and styling, dataset and AI model training, and its photography studio, among others.

The campaign shot real photos of each garment and a genAI model was subsequently trained out how to generate images by positioning the real garments on a model.

Mango said that the biggest challenge during this phase of the process was achieving images with editorial quality similar to a fashion campaign, while maintaining the characteristics of the garment and the model.

Once the images were generated with AI, the art team selected, retouched, edited and mastered the images in the photography studio.

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