White House to host listening session with workers on AI surveillance

The US White House has said that it will start asking workers how their employees use artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor them as it looks to allocate federal investments in the tech.

In a statement, the Biden-Harris administration said that it will hold a listening session to understand the worker’s experience of automated technology for surveillance, monitoring and evaluation.

The office said that ultimately it aims to ensure that while the tech is deployed, it is done so in a way that “protects individuals’ rights and safety and delivers results for the American people”.

The listening session will include workers representing diverse sectors of the economy, including call centres, trucking, warehousing, health care, and gig work, as well as policy experts, researchers, and policymakers.

The administration is also set to announce new steps in its AI strategy, including an updated roadmap for federal investments in AI research, a request for public input on AI risks and with a new report from the Department of Education on how AI affects teaching, learning and research.

The news comes after president Biden hosted a meeting with top tech chief executives including Microsoft’s Satya Nadella and Google’s Sundar Pichai at the White House. This meeting focused on the need for companies to be more transparent about their AI systems and the need to evaluate the safety of AI.

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