Holland & Barrett rolls out AI-driven footfall analytics

Holland & Barrett is has announced it is implementing AI footfall analytics across its stores in the UK and Europe.

The retailer currently has over 1,000 stores where it sells own brand products, vitamin, supplements, sports nutrition and its new range of ‘food that loves you back’.

The health and wellness chain is using footfall analytics from MRI Software to gain insights about store performance within their store network.

“Accurate footfall analytics will help us to understand and optimise store performance in each region and country as we continue to use analytics and technology to enhance our consumers’ experiences in innovative ways,” said the retailer.

Last year Holland & Barrett announced the buyout of FitTech start-up Avie.

At the time, the company said the move formed part of its wider strategy to move beyond retail through the launch of personalised wellness technology.

Avie is designed to support users achieve personal health and wellness goals by using health and activity data, as well as behavioural science.

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