Consortium awarded £6.6 million to develop hydrogen-powered trucks

Hub2Hub, a consortium including supermarket Asda, has been awarded a £6.6 million government grant to develop autonomous hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

The consortium is led by the autonomous hydrogen truck maker HVS (Hydrogen Vehicle Systems) while Asda will serve as a logistics partner to help test the vehicle.

Hub2Hub plans to initiate trials of the heavy-duty vehicle in 2024.

Funding for the consortium is one of seven initiatives backed by Britain's Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV), the awardees of which must demonstrate a “sustainable commercial service” by 2025.

Commenting on the project, Jawad Khursheed, chief executive of HVS, said: “We are engineering the world’s first autonomous hydrogen-electric powered HGV to demonstrate hub-to-hub logistics to a leading retailer, Asda, to elevate public perception, showcasing the potential autonomy can deliver thanks to increased safety and fuel savings, and develop new business models.”

Other recipients of government funding include Project Cambridge Connector - with £17.4 million awarded for the company to trial on-demand, self-driving taxis, to “complement existing transport services in parts of Cambridge”.

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