Apple pauses hiring

Apple has become the latest major tech player to be hit by the increasingly likely recession, with Bloomberg reporting that the iPhone maker is putting a pause on hiring.

The report notes that the company is still hiring within its research & development department, but that the pause impacts “some corporate functions and standard hardware and software engineering roles.” It says that the decision was made and implemented last month, prior to Apple’s warning that growth would slow during the holiday season.

It goes on to cite sources who say that some teams inside of Apple are able to hire, but only in special circumstances. Apple’s job site continues to advertise roles, but they said that the hiring process has “largely been placed on hold.”

Some teams within Apple are still able to hire in special circumstances, according to the people, and the company continues to advertise new roles on its recruiting website. While new roles remain open, the actual hiring process has largely been placed on hold.

Responding to the story, a spokesperson for Apple told Bloomberg: “Given the current economic environment we’re taking a very deliberate approach in some parts of the business.” The company added that it’s confident in Apple’s future. We want to be thoughtful and make smart decisions that enable us to continue fueling innovation for the long term,”

Other major tech firms including Amazon, Intel, Seagate and Qualcomm have either paused hiring or have explicitly cut jobs in an attempt to cut costs. Twitter meanwhile is looking to cut approximately half of its staff under the leadership of new CEO Elon Musk.

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