UK to 'strengthen tech ties' with Japan

The UK government has revealed new plans to strengthen tech ties with Japan.

The new partnership will develop the “unique strengths” of both countries to increase collaboration on complex tech issues, said the government.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) says the partnership will aim to address a range of issues, including improving resilience of global supply chains such as semiconductors and telecommunications.

The countries will also develop joint research to share expertise as part of plans to strengthen the foundations for trade and investment between their economies.

Cyber resilience is a key priority for the partnership, with both countries promoting initiatives to standardise the security of internet-connected products and apps and addressing the risks of digital services in supply chains.

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office and Japanese regulators will collaborate to give businesses and citizens “greater certainty” about the security of data sharing between both countries.

“The UK’s relationship with Japan has grown from strength to strength in recent years based on a foundation of shared goals and values,” said UK digital secretary Michelle Donelan. “Our thriving tech sectors are another opportunity for us to work together to benefit citizens and businesses across both countries.”

The partnership follows the UK’s signing of a digital trade agreement with Ukraine. The Department for International Trade said the agreement for tech partnerships would set a course for the UK and Ukraine to share best practice and discuss frameworks for the responsible development and use of emerging technologies.

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