UK at 'risk of failing to realise full benefits of 5G'

The UK is at risk of failing to take advantage of the full benefits of 5G, according to a new report by the Digital Connectivity Forum (DCF).

Written in collaboration with Frontier Economics, the report examined the capacity of network operators to invest in new high-capacity, high-speed wireless 5G services.

The report found that the UK industry can invest approximately £9 billion in new network infrastructure by 2030. However, it also found that this figure falls short of the cost of delivering full 5G – estimated by the report to be an additional £23-25 billion.

The report found that only this greater level of investment could deliver transformative new services dependent on 5G, such as autonomous vehicles, automated logistics and telemedicine.

Alex Mather, head of the Digital Connectivity Forum said: “If you are using a newer smartphone or tablet in many of the UK’s bigger towns and cities, there’s a high chance that you’re already making use of high-speed, high-capacity 5G.”

He continued: “But 5G isn’t just faster 4G – it has the ability to unlock innovative new uses and technologies, ranging from autonomous vehicles to advanced remote medical services.

“These technologies have the potential not only to increase the productivity of the nation and boost UK competitiveness, but also to improve the quality of services that the government provides.”

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