Technology ‘top sector’ for women investors

Women investors in the UK were involved in deals worth over £2 billion in the past decade, according to a new report from Beauhurst.

The data company’s Women Angel Insights Report found that FinTech (302), artificial Intelligence (253), and AdTech (104) were the top sectors for companies in which women angels invested between 2012 and 2021.

The research showed that more than 5,000 women acted as angel investors over the past decade and the companies they invested in went on to create more than 10,000 jobs in the UK during the same period.

“This report demonstrates the huge contribution that female angel investors are making across the UK to building successful entrepreneurs in our economy,” said Jenny Tooth, OBE, executive chair of the UK Business Angels Association.

Despite the investment figures, the report found that women remain a minority in the male-dominated angel investment world, making up only 14 per cent of the 36,800 angel investors in the UK.

Tooth continued: “One of the key challenges we face is the continuing low proportion of female angel investors, which limits the pool of equity capital available to support entrepreneurial growth and innovation."

She added: “Notably, our research and experience has shown that growing the number of female angels will directly increase the level of investment in female entrepreneurs.”

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