Prime minister promises ‘attractive visa regime’ for world’s AI talent

The prime minister has said that the UK will establish one of the world’s most attractive visa regimes for entrepreneurs and highly skilled people.

Addressing the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference in Birmingham, Rishi Sunak said that one of the areas the government is keen on focussing on is artificial intelligence (AI).

He told delegates that the UK “cannot allow the world’s top AI talent to be drawn to America or China”.

UK network for technology entrepreneurs Tech Nation welcomed the comments.

"Our Visa Report 2022 revealed that 18 per cent of all UK tech companies are founded by at least one non-UK national with over 120 nationalities applying for the Global Talent Visa," said Tech Nation chief executive, Gerard Grech. "These non-UK founders are accelerating the growth of the tech sector across the UK, with tech companies founded by non-UK nationals raising almost 23 per cent of all UK tech VC investment - £8 billion - in 2021."

He added that the UK cannot afford to be "complacent in its pursuit of international talent".

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