Outage at Amazon

Ecommerce giant Amazon suffered a significant outage on Wednesday which has since been resolved.

According to Downdetector – a site where users can report status updates for websites – 12,000 users reported issues on Wednesday in the US as of 10am ET. Datacenterknowledge would later note that the outage was experienced specifically in Amazon Web Service's (AWS's) US-East 2 region.

The issue was resolved in an hour, but highlights that not even the largest companies in are safe from outages – even if it is a subsidiary of the company itself which operates the servers.

In a statement to Reuters, without revealing the cause of the outage a spokesperson said: "We're sorry that some customers may have temporarily experienced issues while shopping. We have resolved the issue.”

Amazon shares were down by 45 cents as of 5pm GMT on Wednesday, with the company's share price tumbling by over 9 per cent in the past five days.

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