Italy restores access to ChatGPT

Access to ChatGPT has been restored in Italy after OpenAI took steps to comply with an order issued by the Italian regulator.

In April, the Italian data protection regulator Italian Garante temporarily banned OpenAI’s artificial intelligence (AI) service ChatGPT over privacy concerns.

Pasquale Stanzione, the president of regulator recently stated that ChatGPT could return to the country provided OpenAI took “useful steps” to address concerns.

The Italian regulator gave OpenAI a list of measures it had to implement on 11 April, and has now said that OpenAI has met many of these demands. These include expanding its privacy policy, enabling users to opt out of the processing of their data and blocking access for children under the age of 13.

In a statement, Garante said: “The Italian SA acknowledges the steps forward made by OpenAI to reconcile technological advances with respect for the rights of individuals and it hopes that the company will continue in its efforts to comply with European data protection legislation.”

It added: “The Italian SA will carry on its fact-finding activities regarding OpenAI also under the umbrella of the ad-hoc task force that was set up by the European Data Protection Board.”

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