GoodHabitz integrates ChatGPT into online learning platform

Digital learning provider GoodHabitz has announced it is integrating ChatGPT into its online learning platform.

The company has introduced three new features using the AI technology, including ‘Quiz Time’ which identifies gaps in users’ knowledge and role-playing game ‘Drive To Sell’, which is designed to teach users about communication styles. The new ChatGPT-powered ‘Personal Learning Assistant’ is built to answer questions on topics and offer suggestions on how they can best use the course.

GoodHabitz says that the technology will improve learning outcomes, provide personalised learning, and promote continuous development. It also said that it hopes the new features will boost engagement.

The new features are currently only available on mobile devices and to existing clients. The company said it will roll out the features to more devices and customers in the future.

Commenting on the news Erik Wiersma, chief product and technology officer at GoodHabitz, said that ChatGPT was allowing the company to offer new ways of learning that were previously not possible.

He added: “The way people want to learn is changing. And it’s up to us as learning experts to stay ahead of the curve and adapt to these changes. Having an engaging, relevant and personalised learning experience is becoming more crucial than ever.”

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