Carbon ratings agency BeZero raises £42m

BeZero Carbon, the ratings agency for voluntary carbon markets, has announced the conclusion of a £48 million Series B fundraise.

Launched in April 2022, the London-headquartered company’s platform aggregates ratings and risk analytics for carbon markets.

Voluntary carbon markets are markets where carbon credits are purchased, usually by investors or corporations, for voluntary use, rather than to comply with an organisation’s legally binding emission-reducing obligations.

Carbon markets can also be used to trade carbon credits and carbon offsets simultaneously – with the aim of helping to mitigate the environmental crisis, while also creating new market opportunities.

The funding round was led by Quantum Energy Partners with follow-on investments from venture capitalists including Molten Ventures and Contrarian Ventures.

Elaborating on the purpose of carbon ratings, BeZero said: “Embracing competition is another key reason for the rise of carbon ratings, and everyone benefits from different organisations giving their assessments because carbon is a uniquely heterogeneous asset class.”

The company added: “The more we can do to empower market participants with risk-based analysis, features and data tools, the more vibrant the VCM will become.”

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