Cyber attack costs outsourcing firm up to £20m

Capita, the UK-based outsourcing company which was hacked earlier this year, has warned that it would take a £15-20 million hit following the cyber attack.

The company last week confirmed that the attack on its Microsoft Office 365 applications saw information from its pension clients likely stolen during the incident. The intrusion however was interrupted by Capita, which resulted in its impact being restricted.

Capita subsequently this week has said that the incident compromised some data from less than 0.1 per cent of its server estate.

The company said that the up to £20 million cost was the result of specialist professional fees, along with investment to reinforce its cyber protections. It added that it has taken extensive steps to recover and secure the customer, supplier and colleague data contained within the impacted server estate, and to remediate any issues arising from the incident.

In a statement, the company said: “Capita is working closely with all appropriate regulatory authorities and with customers, suppliers and colleagues to notify those affected and take any remaining necessary steps to address the incident.

“Capita has also taken further steps to ensure the integrity, safety and security of its IT infrastructure to underpin its ongoing client service commitments.”

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