BBFC collaborating with Amazon Web Services on AI project

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) has announced collaboration on a new AI project with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to “explore the power” of AI to realise new approaches to content classification.

Driven by the BBFC’s vast dataset and insight from over a century of viewing content, the board said the power of AWS’s cloud services that support AI technologies would complement its existing classification and compliance processes.

“This announcement marks an incredibly exciting transition for the BBFC, as we continue to embrace new technology to help us achieve our core mission of supporting people and families across the UK to make informed viewing decisions about the content they consume,” said Natasha Kaplinsky, president of the BBFC.

She continued: “Through this project, we are exploring ways in which AI might support and enhance the BBFC’s classification work, including online. I’m proud to be leading such a cultural institution of over 110 years into the future of classification.”

The BBFC and AWS said that the alpha testing phase of the project is currently underway and that the AI-based tool being worked on achieves an 80 per cent accuracy rate when identifying content issues and could ultimately deliver time-savings of up to 60 per cent in the content classification process.

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