Arm posts 28% revenue increase amid IPO plans

Arm has announced total revenue of $746 million in its third quarter 2022 which ended in December, representing a 28 per cent year on year revenue increase.

The Softbank-owned chipmaker’s results also showed that its partners shipped around eight billion Arm-based chips, taking total shipped to date to more than 250 billion.

The results follow Arm chief executive Rene Haas' admission that he is “fully committed” to taking Arm public in 2023.

Haas recently told finance publication Barrons that “plans are well under way” for an initial public offering, and that there is “a lot of internal energy working on it”.

The strong results may have been driven by an uptick in licensing revenue, with the earnings report showing around $300 million of growth during the quarter - up 65 percent year-on-year and beating the $192.7 million reported for the second quarter.

According to the Financial Times, Rishi Sunak recently restarted efforts to persuade the Japanese investor SoftBank to list Arm in London. The prime minister reportedly met with Rene Haas and Arm’s chief legal officer, Spencer Collins, to discuss the possibility last month in Downing Street.

The news follows Softbank’s recently announcement of a ‘strategic partnership’ with Samsung, which follows the collapse of Arm’s recent merger attempt with rival Nvidia.

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