Anti-terror tech organisation 'concerned' about Hamas videos on X

The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) is reportedly concerned about Hamas videos on X.

The organisation, which X is a board and founding member of, aims to prevent terrorists and violent extremists from exploiting digital platforms.

According to a report by The Sunday Times, the GIFCT has expressed concerns as Community Security Trust (CST), a charity which aims to tackle extremism and antisemitism, claims the platform is now the easiest on which to find videos by Hamas.

The claims come after the organisation was able to find propaganda videos from UK government proscribed terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad within 10 minutes of being on the platform.

Hamas is designated as a terrorist organisation by the UK, European Union, and the US, as well as others.

The Sunday Times said that the GIFCT has expressed concerns about X’s membership on its board and the impact this could have on its credibility.

Other board members include Meta, Google, and Microsoft.

The publication said that a statement in the GIFCT's independent advisory committee annual 2023 report, it said the organisation has become: "increasingly concerned by significant reductions in online trust and safety capabilities for certain platforms, and a perceived decrease in the priority of the issue, negatively impacting companies' ability to moderate extremist content online".

Earlier this year, technology watchdog the Tech Transparency Project (TTP) accused X of selling premium subscriptions to members of Hezbollah.

The organisation said it found more than a dozen X accounts for US-sanctioned entities that had a blue checkmark, which requires the purchase of a premium subscription.

Two of the accounts identified by the organisation belong to the top leaders of Hezbollah, while others belong to Iranian and Russian state-run media.

The GIFCT told National Technology News: "X has been an active member of GIFCT's Board since it played a role in establishing the organisation in 2017 (in its former iteration as Twitter). As a member company, X has committed to meeting GIFCT's criteria. GIFCT conducts regular annual reviews of all member companies and liaises directly with each one on items requiring additional attention. GIFCT itself is an independent nonprofit organisation that fosters cross-platform information sharing, knowledge development, and crisis response and has sought to be the connective tissue between sectors in facilitating critical conversations."

National Technology News has also approached X for further comment.

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