US House panel advances bill to restrict AI exports over China fears

The US House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly in favour of advancing a bill that would make it easier for the Biden administration to restrict the export of artificial intelligence systems, citing concerns that China could exploit them to bolster its military capabilities.

The bill, sponsored by House Republicans Michael McCaul and John Molenaar, and Democrats Raja Krishnamoorthi and Susan Wild, would also give the Commerce Department express authority to bar Americans from working with foreigners to develop AI systems that pose risks to US national security.

"Without this legislation, our top AI companies could inadvertently fuel China's technological ascent, empowering their military and malign ambitions," warned committee chair McCaul, on Wednesday.

"As the (Chinese Communist Party) looks to expand their technological advancements to enhance their surveillance state and war machine, it is critical we protect our sensitive technology from falling into their hands," he added.

The Chinese Embassy in Washington is yet to comment on the announcement

The bill is the latest sign that Washington is gearing up to beat back China's AI ambitions over fears Beijing could harness the technology to meddle in other countries' elections, create bioweapons, or launch cyberattacks.

A bipartisan group of senators, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, last week called on Congress to approve $32 billion in funding for artificial intelligence research to keep the US ahead of China in the powerful technology.

Reuters reported this month that president Joe Biden's administration is poised to open a new front in its effort to safeguard US AI from China and Russia, with preliminary plans to place guardrails around the most advanced AI models
US officials flagged concerns over China's "misuse" of artificial intelligence in their first formal bilateral talks on the issue in Geneva last week.

The bill, approved with 43 votes in favour and only 3 against, would need approval by the full House chamber as well as the Senate before it could be signed into law by Biden.

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