UK signs digital trade agreement with Ukraine

The UK government has signed a Digital Trade Agreement (DTA) in principle with Ukraine.

The government said Ukraine has strong digital aspirations, and that the country has identified greater digitalisation of the economy as one of its main areas of focus. It added that with the “UK being a global leader in digital trade”, it is an ideal partner to help Ukraine harness its potential by agreeing this modern trade deal.

The trade agreement covers areas including tech partnerships, data flows, and consumer and business safeguards – all areas which the government says secure a range of “innovative commitments that support the development of the modern digital economy”.

The Department for International Trade said the agreement for tech partnerships will set out a pathway for the UK and Ukraine to share best practice and discuss frameworks for the responsible development and use of emerging technologies.

Data flows will enable the free flow of trusted data between the UK and Ukraine for business purposes by preventing unjustified restrictions to cross-border data transfer, it added.

“Consumer and business safeguards will help make consumers safer online by guaranteeing that the UK and Ukraine have measures in place to protect consumers involved in digital trade,” said the trade department.

The government added that the UK is resolute in its support of Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion and will “stand with Ukraine as it emerges as a strong and thriving democracy”.

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