UK gov announces tech-focused investment summit

The UK government has announced a second Global Investor Summit (GIS 23) which it says will focus on attaining investment in tech sectors such as innovation, research and development.

Taking place this October, the government anticipates over 200 investors, chief executives and financiers will attend.

GIS 23 follows the inaugural investment summit of 2021, which brought together around 170 business leaders.

According to the government, the 2021 Summit secured £9.7 billion of new foreign investment on the day, creating over 30,000 new jobs and supporting growth in sectors such as wind and hydrogen energy, sustainable homes, and carbon capture and storage.

“I started the year setting a goal of the UK becoming the undisputed number one investment destination in Europe,” said business and trade secretary Kemi Badenoch.

She continued: “Events like this will help deliver this and show the world’s biggest investors just what a strong investment prospect the UK can offer.”

The announcement follows the government’s recent creation of new science and tech departments. Prime minister Rishi Sunak said the new departments were created to “deliver on the promises and priorities of the British people, and to go further and faster on our ambition to drive jobs and growth in every part of the UK and ensure we are at the cutting edge of technology and innovation.”

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