Twitter Blue ‘probably back by end of this week’, says Musk

Twitter Blue will probably come back by the “end of this week”, new chief executive Elon Musk has said.

As fake accounts bloomed, Twitter paused its recently announced $8 per month blue check subscription service -- something previously reserved for public figures or official accounts of governments and brands -- late last week.

Finally having bought Twitter after trying to back out of the $44 billion deal, which led to firms including General Motors and Audi pulling their advertising, Twitter Blue was one of the first changes Musk made to the social media platform as a means of driving revenue.
The latest development comes days after the entrepreneur said “bankruptcy isn’t out of the question”.

The comments were made on Musk’s first mass call with employees following his takeover of the social media platform.

He subsequently sent a follow up email to staff where he reinforced the situation: “Without significant subscription revenue, there is a good chance Twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn. We need roughly half of our revenue to be subscription.”

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