Non-UK national founded tech companies raise £8bn in investment: Tech Nation

Tech companies founded by non-UK nationals raised nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of total UK tech investment, equivalent to £8 billion in 2021, according to data from Tech Nation.

Tech Nation’s Visa Report 2022, which surveys the contribution made to the economy by the UK’s tech sector, also found that found that 18 per cent of all UK tech companies are founded by one or more non-UK nationals.

Tech Nation also found that job vacancies in tech have increased on a month-by-month basis over the last year, from 145,000 roles advertised in May 2021 to 181,000 roles as of May 2022.

In part, this boom in hiring is reflective of the growth seen in venture capital investment into UK tech companies in 2021, a 130 per cent increase to just under $41 billion, the report said.

Commenting on the rise in vacancies, Gerard Grech, founder and chief executive of Tech Nation, said: “The UK’s record level of tech job vacancies demonstrates that the need for outside talent has never been greater.”

He added: “Even with our buoyant, currently well-funded and diverse ecosystem, the UK cannot afford to be complacent in the UK’s pursuit of international talent.”

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