New quantum consortium launches in the UK

UKQuantum, an industry-led consortium founded to “be the voice of the UK quantum industry”, has launched this week.

The founding members of UKQuantum include BT, Orca Computing, Oxford Instruments, and Nu Quantum.

The new consortium will advocate for interventions and policies designed to advance the UK market and has reportedly laid the foundations for a united UK voice in government and across international quantum bodies of repute, working with BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) to shape their quantum strategy.

“Quantum forms a vital part of the government’s vision for the UK to become a global science and technology superpower, and these exciting new technologies have the potential to transform our society and economy, from advancing drug discovery to helping to reduce gas emissions,” said Nusrat Ghani, science and investment security minister.

Richard Murray, chief executive of Ora Computing said: “Quantum is a hugely exciting field to work in right now, and particularly in the UK.We have vibrant industrial, academic and government communities who are focused both nationally and internationally.”

Murray continued: “Therefore, I’m extremely happy to welcome UKQuantum onto the scene, helping to provide a coordinating industry-centric voice.”

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