Netflix introduces sixth in-house games studio

Spry Fox is joining Netflix as its sixth in-house games studio.

The Finland-based independent studio focusses on ‘cosy’ games like Triple Town, Alphabear, and Cozy Grove.

The announcement coincides with the first anniversary of Netflix launching games.

“When David and I founded Spry Fox twelve years ago, our goal was to create a place where kind, creative people could make beautiful, original games in a supportive environment that brought happiness to the people who played them,” said Daniel Cook, co-founder of Spry Fox. “After many heartfelt conversations, we are all excited about joining Netflix as an in-house game studio and building amazing games together.”

The move comes months after the streaming platform announced it was launching its own video game studio in Helsinki.

The studio will be led by former Zynga and Electronic Arts executive Marko Lastikka and will be built “from scratch.”

Netflix announced its gaming studio plans after it lost almost one million subscribers in the second quarter of the year.

The platform's vice president of game studios, Amir Rahimi, said that he was proud that its in-house gaming includes no ads or in-app purchases.

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