NCSC launches free cybersecurity training scheme for high-risk sectors

The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), part of the government security organisation GCHQ, has launched a scheme to help small firms working in high-risk sectors access free support to protect themselves against cyber attacks.

The Funded Cyber Essentials Programme is aimed at charities and other groups helping vulnerable people or involved in safeguarding.

The security organisation said that information held by these groups can be sensitive, such as details about domestic abuse survivors, warning that if this data is not properly protected, it could be exposed and leave them vulnerable to their abusers.

The programme is funded by the government and delivered by the IASME Consortium, which helps SMEs improve their cybersecurity. Eligible organisations will receive 20 hours of support to gain a cyber essentials certification.

Commenting on the news Sarah Lyons, NCSC deputy director for economy and society resilience said: “Charities and legal aid firms do incredible work supporting vulnerable people when they need it most, and that’s why it is vital they take steps to protect sensitive data.”

She added: “The new Funded Cyber Essentials Programme is a great opportunity for small organisations to gain free assistance with putting key cyber security protections in place. I strongly encourage organisations to register so they can boost their cyber resilience and help reduce the chances of falling victim to a potentially damaging cyber attack.”

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