NASA enlists companies to support Artemis moon missions

NASA has selected two companies to develop capability studies to explore and demonstrate communications and navigation services in support of Artemis missions to the Moon.

Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) SpaceLink Corporation will undertake studies involving direct-to-Earth and lunar space relay communications and navigation services with a view to enhancing telemetry, tracking, and commanding services for orbital and sub-orbital missions at the Moon through relay of critical data between spacecraft and ground stations.

NASA said the companies would help NASA and its stakeholders understand advancements in radio frequency compatibility testing that will lead to Near Space Network efficiencies, address industry best practices, tools, and capabilities related to mission planning and scheduling.

The companies will also provide new insights into understanding the barriers, challenges, and solutions associated with integrating optical communications ground terminals into the Near Space Network, and aid in the advancement of software-defined radios and cloud computing assets and their integration into the Near Space Network architecture.

“All missions need communications and navigation services to send data back to Earth,” said Kathy Lueders, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate. “These capability studies and demonstrations will highlight networking efficiencies and inform future planning for NASA missions.”

Following several delays, the uncrewed mission around the moon, which will set the stage for a crewed test flight and future lunar exploration as part of the Artemis project, is aiming to launch this November.

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