Invite-only version of Bluesky rolls out on Android

Bluesky, the social media platform backed by Twitter’s former chief executive, has arrived on Android in an invitation-only format.

Back in 2019
, ‘project Blue Sky’ was conceived as a decentralised offering from Twitter. Bluesky morphed into its own entity after Jack Dorsey stepped down as Twitter chief executive in 2021.

Bluesky has functional similarities to Twitter, with users – currently around 25,000 are enrolled in the invitation-only beta-phase – able to follow other users and share photos, text updates, and videos.

One of the key differences touted by Bluesky is that it allows users to decide how they want to “see and consume” social media.

Bluesky chief executive Jay Graber claims that the app will aim to address timeline choice by providing a “marketplace of algorithms”.

In a recent blog post, she said algorithms in Bluesky would act as “aggregator services” in a similar way as search engines, and allow users to find, share, and add algorithms to their clients.

“Our UX design allows users to swipe between favorite algorithms or view a multi-algorithm feed,” she explained. “For users, the ability to customise their feed will give them back control of their most valuable resource: their attention."

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