Instacart launches ChatGPT search function

Instacart has introduced a search function which uses ChatGPT and AI models to help customers with grocery shopping and meal preparation.

The grocery technology company has embedded OpenAI’s large language model into its search bar, with the plug-in able to provide suggestions for food pairings, cooking techniques and alternative ingredients.

The search tool, called Ask Instacart, takes into account customer preferences, dietary requirements and shopping history when providing suggestions.

Instacart first trialled the ChatGPT plug-in in March and has now made it available to all ChatGPT plus subscribers. It plans to launch additional plug-ins with Microsoft Bing and Google Bard in the coming months.

"A simple question like 'What's for dinner?' is among the most complex for families everywhere to answer,” said JJ Zhuang, chief architect at Instacart. “From decisions about budget and dietary specifications to cooking skills, personal preferences, and so much more, Ask Instacart can help customers answer all of their food questions and deliver the ingredients for the perfect meal in as fast as an hour."

The move comes as a number of other tech companies integrate ChatGPT into their apps and services, including digital learning platform GoodHabitz which recently announced three new features using AI technology. Social media platform SnapChat is also rolling out a free chatbot similar to ChatGPT across its user base.

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