Gigabit broadband available to 70% of UK homes, says Gov

70 per cent of UK homes and businesses now have access to gigabit broadband, up from seven per cent three years ago, according to new figures released by the government.

Since 2019, an additional 20 million premises have been connected to the fast broadband network.

The data is published as the outgoing prime minister Boris Johnson announced that work has begun on a “major” broadband upgrade in rural Dorset.

The £5 billion Project Gigabit aims to give more than 7,000 hard-to-reach properties access to gigabit broadband by 2025.

The government says it is aiming to achieve 85 per cent coverage in the next three years.

“From Sherbourne to Stirling, lightning-fast broadband is levelling up towns and villages across the country,” said Johnson.

“In just three years we have increased the coverage of gigabit broadband from seven per cent of households to 70 per cent, and I am proud that today more than 20 million households, businesses and organisations are able to tap into rapid and reliable internet, unleashing their potential, creating opportunities and driving growth across the country.”

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