Game-based learning platform announces $5.7m fundraise

Pixaera, the game-based learning platform, has announced a $5.7 million fundraise.

Pixaera aims to help businesses upskill their workforce more efficiently by through immersive training and VR, which it says is more effective than traditional methods.

The company said its funding – consisting of $1.2 million of pre-seeding and $4.5 million led by LocalGlobe - will be used to “bring the standard and engagement of high-quality games from the world’s best studios to the professional world”.

Mousa Yassin, chief executive and founder of Pixaera, started the company in 2020 to bring the learning opportunities provided in games to the professional world.

Yassin explained: “I started to wonder why the gaming industry, being so sophisticated and technologically mature, had not considered building for the corporate and professional world.”

He continued: “There was such a gap between how players learn and collaborate organically and fluently in successful games, with the more old-school, unengaging learning experiences we have all been through as employees - even in roles where the stakes are high.”

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