Biggest lobbying group in US calls for AI regulation

The US Chamber of Commerce has called for regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) tech in order to ensure it does not become a national security risk or hurt growth.

The statement marks a significant change in tact from the largest lobbying group in the United States which has historically called for deregulation.

In a report, the Chamber argues that lawmakers in the country should increase their efforts to establish a "risk-based regulatory framework” for the use of AI, with tools like ChatGPT raising concerns over their impact on security and education.

The report notes that AI is projected to add $13 trillion to global economic growth by 2030, and that "virtually every" business and government agency will use AI within 20 years. It cited potential examples of easing hospital nursing shortages and mapping wildfires.

It said: "Rather than trying to develop a one size-fits-all regulatory framework, this approach to AI regulation allows for the development of flexible, industry-specific guidance and best practices.”

The report comes as a product of a commission on AI established by the Chamber in 2022.

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