Brainomix partners NCIMI for AI-powered cancer detection study

Brainomix, the AI-powered MedTech, has announced a collaboration with the UK’s National Consortium of Intelligent Medical Imaging (NCIMI) to evaluate AI-powered technology in lung cancer care.

The partnering will give Brainomix access to NCIMI facilities, hosted at the University of Oxford, and three NHS sites on a project to optimise and validate its automated cancer tracking tool, e-ACT.

e-ACT measures the size of lung cancer tumours and detects changes in tumour size indicating treatment response and disease progression. The collaboration will evaluate how automated assessment using e-ACT compares with the observations of medical specialists.

The 12-month study will assess scans and clinical data from 200 patients with confirmed lung cancer on systematic therapy and the team will evaluate how automated assessment of disease progression and treatment response using e-ACT compares to radiologist assessment.

Commenting on the collaboration, Dr Michalis Papadakis, chief executive and co-founder of Brainomix, said: “With this new collaboration we have an opportunity to elevate the level of validation and refinement using a broad and robust dataset, which will bring e-ACT closer to a tool which improves clinical decision making and further personalises care for cancer patients.”

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