Binance partners with Ukrainian art museum for new NFT collection

Binance, the digital asset and crypto giant, has partnered with the Kharkiv Art Museum to launch a new NFT collection.

NFTs are unique tokens, which cannot be replicated, that exist on a blockchain. The tokens can represent real items like artwork or music and can be traded with a transparent transaction history.

As part of the Art Without Borders NFT collection, the Ukrainian museum will be auctioning 15 works from its collection. Work by artists including Albrecht Dürer, Georg Jacob Johann van Os, Ivan Aivazovsky and Simon de Vliege will be featured in the collection.

All the funds raised from the auction will be used for operating costs of the museum as well as to secure more jobs at the museum.

Commenting on the partnership Helen Hai, head of Binance NFT, said: "Throughout the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, digital assets have played an important role in providing fast, efficient, and simple help to those in need.”

She added: “Together with the Kharkiv Art Museum, we will present the NFT collection which combines Web3 technology and pieces of art that the museum preserves so carefully. We hope that this project will attract the attention of art connoisseurs and help the museum keep up with the times."

The museum holds around 25,000 works of fine art and is one of the oldest and most valuable art collections in the Ukraine.

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