Apple update lets users unsend messages

Apple has launched a new iOS update which allows users to edit, undo send, and mark conversations as unread.

iOS 16, the latest update from Apple, lets users share synced content like movies or songs and shared playback controls via messages.

The new update enables users to share files for collaboration through messages, where everyone in a thread will be automatically added. When someone makes an edit to the shared document, activity updates appear at the top of the thread.

The tech giant announced on Tuesday that users can now schedule delivery of an email ahead of time or cancel delivery of a message before it reaches a recipients inbox.

It also launched its "biggest update to search in years" on Apple Mail, which aims to provide more relevant and accurate search results.

Reminders can also be set so that users can back to a message at a later date, receive automatic suggestions to follow up on an email if they haven’t received a response, and get automatic alerts when they’ve forgotten to include a recipient or attachment in an email.

The move comes months after the company launched a new ‘lockdown mode’ designed to give additional protection to users at high risk of targeted cyberattacks from private businesses developing state-sponsored mercenary spyware.

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