Amazon launches scheme for low-income schools

Amazon and digital education charity the Learning Foundation have launched a new scheme called Tech4Schools.

The scheme will provide low-income schools serving disadvantaged communities with new devices, digital skills training and tech support.

Tech4Schools is funded by Amazon and will be rolled out in collaboration with the charity In Kind Direct, which will connect schools with their devices. Education charity Teach First will identify schools to participate in the scheme, all of whom will be part of Teach First programmes.

With £360,000 in funding from Amazon, Teach First will select the schools from disadvantaged communities across the UK to receive support. The chosen schools will receive £18,000 in funding to be used on any tech peripherals they may need, such as keyboards and headphones, Teach First said.

The funded schools will also receive support from the Learning Foundation on how to embed a digital culture within the school, engage with parents, and show teachers how they can best use devices to support learning aims.

Elizabeth Anderson, chief operating office of the Learning Foundation commented: “In an increasingly digital world, it’s never been more vital that all our young people have access to the right technology for their education.”

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