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Data Driven Futures: a National Technology News Conference

Wednesday 20 November 2019
etc. Venues Monument

Our world is becoming ever more interconnected and intelligent. People, systems and objects are communicating in new ways, creating an explosion in the volume and variety of data. Harnessed effectively, this has the potential to develop new value streams, proactively address risks and fuel digital transformation.

But most organisations are struggling to manage the historic and real-time information they generate. Money, time and human resource is increasingly split between maintaining legacy systems and innovating into new technologies – not to mention keeping up with regulatory compliance and consumer trust.

This conference will investigate the role data is playing in making our world smarter and more connected. It will look into how businesses are taking advantage of information to make more intelligent decisions, and delve into best practice for maximising the adoption and effectiveness of analytics.

You’ll be able to explore new ways to automate and accelerate decisions via the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), and discover how these insights are creating opportunities to truly leverage data.

Register to attend and stand the chance to win an Apple Watch on the day of the conference!

For the latest news and updates follow us @NatTechNews #DataDrivenFutures