Downloadable Presentations:
James Cotton, Solutions Director,Information Builders
Clinton Etheridge, Senior Systems Engineer, Information Builders
Gary Pemberton, Senior Web Focus Pre-Sales Consultant, Information Builders
Melissa Treier, Vice President of Products, Sales and Strategy, Information Builders
09:00 – 09:30: Registration and refreshments
09:30 – 09:40: NTN and Information Builders Welcome
Bill Harmer, Senior Vice President, EMEA Sales, Information Builders
Peter Walker, Editor, National Technology News
09:40 – 10:05: Keynote – Using data science to drive sustainable business growth
Giles Pavey, Global Director of Data Science, Unilever
Giles will speak about how Unilever is using machine learning to further its commercial and sustainability goals – developing a new approach to the ethical issues around such algorithms. Specifically, he will discuss how Unilever is bringing together the best of human and machine intelligence to understand an increasingly complex world of interacting digital and analogue activity.
10:05 – 10:30: Keynote – New intelligence for a connected world
Melissa Treier, Vice President of Products, Sales and Strategy, Information Builders
Melissa Treier, Vice President of Product, Sales and Strategy at Information Builders will discuss key industry trends and best practices for effectively disseminating & maximising adoption of analytics and how you can automate and accelerate decision making by leveraging your data as an organisational asset. Melissa will also explore the 5 “worst practices” that contribute to poor BI deployment – discover negative impacts from a technology and a business perspective and, most importantly, learn how to avoid them.
10:30 – 11:00: Panel – Open Data and compliance challenges in digital transformation
James Cotton, Solutions Director, Information Builders
Miriam Vizvary, Director of Data, Centrica Hive
Michael Ngero, Global Head of Data Protection, Specsavers
Harriet Rees, Head of Data Science, Starling Bank
This panel will focus on the move from Open Banking towards a wider cross-industry Open Data sharing movement, with all the product and service opportunities and compliance and data protection challenges that entails.
11:00 – 11:25: Coffee break
11:25 – 11:50: Digital transformation: from data quality to artificial intelligence
James Cotton, Solutions Director, Information Builders
Today’s businesses are undergoing a digital transformation. Artificial intelligence is enabling predictive and prescriptive approaches to decision-making and business insights. This digital transformation would not be possible without data. Yet, many organisations struggle with the quality of the data on which their solutions and insights depend. Is your organisation failing to understand what constitutes quality data and how it can be obtained, generated, collected, and utilised? In this session we will explore how quality data is the critical differentiator driving digital transformation and what constitutes quality data.
11:50 – 12:15: Augmented Analytics: Key trends in next generation analytics
Clinton Etheridge, Senior Systems Engineer, Information Builders
IDC predicts that our digital universe - the data we create and copy - is growing 40 per cent each year, and that by 2020, it will contain nearly as many digital bits as there are stars in our physical universe. In order to remain competitive, you’ll need to leverage your data quicker than your competitors, and augmented analytics is going to be the tool you need to do this.
12:15 – 12:45: Panel – Machine learning and AI for enterprise
Harvey Lewis, Chief Data Scientist, EY
Mike Leverington, Head of Data Analytics, The Body Shop
This panel will look at how artificial intelligence techniques can be used to turn unstructured data lakes into actionable insights for large enterprises, considering the challenges of legacy systems and data-sharing security alongside the opportunities of cost-cutting and customer service.
12:45 – 13:45: Lunch break
13:45 – 14:10: The ethics of data
Gary Pemberton, Senior Web Focus Pre-Sales Consultant, Information Builders
How can data science and artificial intelligence be used for the good of society – and what happens when they aren’t? This session will explore the tricky interplay between technological advances, desired business outcomes, and the perceived value to both organisations and individuals. We’ll look at some companies that are exemplars of fair play, transparency and privacy, as well as some that push the boundaries for their own gain. Lastly, you’ll be introduced to best practices which can provide a foundation for the ethical use of data in your own environment.
14:10 – 14:40: Why data and analytics initiatives fail: How companies can avoid problems and transform successfully
Information Builders Customer Panel
The Information Builders customers on this panel have all successfully extended Data and Analytics applications to operational employees, business partners or customers. They will discuss the critical success factors for data & analytics initiatives, ranging from strategy, technology and deployment.
14:40 – 15:05: Keynote – How to establish effective foundations for data science and AI
Edosa Odaro, Head of Data Services, AXA
With industry surveys suggesting 80 per cent of AI and data science initiatives fail to deliver value, this session will explore approaches for increasing the chance of success: making sure projects start with a ‘why’; daring to think outside of the box; making it safe to fail; and spinning the disadvantages of data silos into actively-encouraged advantages.
15:05 – 15:15: Sponsors thank you
Bill Harmer, Senior Vice President EMEA Sales, Information Builders
15:15 – 15:25: Chairman’s round up
15:25 – Onwards: Conference end and drinks reception