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Connected systems: Success in the data-driven supply chain

Sponsored by Information Builders
Thursday 10 October 2019 
City Social, Tower 42, 25 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HQ

Digitised supply chain technology is driving unprecedented change across the manufacturing sector and global trading routes.

But against a backdrop of Brexit-related uncertainty, businesses are turning to emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Electronic Document Management (EDM) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to ensure they can track this proliferation of new data sources and ensure compliance with changing customs and trading rules.

However, as they attempt this, fragmentation, manual processes and legacy infrastructure have meant that many businesses are failing to harness their data. As a result, they are struggling to keep up with their supply chain partners and competitors in an increasingly connected world.

As global supply chains come under increasing regulatory scrutiny - as well as board pressure to do more with leaner infrastructure - the manufacturers that can view their data in real time, and drive efficiencies from factory to shop floor, will stay ahead.

This roundtable will explore how companies are using new technologies to digitise their supply chains and overcome Brexit-related disruption by tracking orders across borders and improving overall business performance.

Topics for debate:
• How can predictive analytics and alert systems help flag potential risks and forecast changes in supply and demand?
• What role will IoT, machine learning and blockchain play in supply chain transformation?
• How can integrated information systems help maintain compliance with changing customs and trading regimes after Brexit? 
• What are the risks involved in implementation of RPA? 
• How can data-driven supply chains help businesses prepare for Brexit-related disruption at the border? 
• What is the benefit of real time visualisation of data to track supply chain processes?  

• How can automated data flows improve communication between supply chain partners? 

• What are the challenges around integrating data management systems with existing EDM infrastructure?
• How is merger and acquisition-related disruption holding up supply chain connectivity and digitisation? 

18:00 – 18:30 Welcome drinks and canapes 
18:30 – 20:00 Introduction to fellow guests and roundtable discussion 
20:00 onwards Complimentary three-course dinner

Brought to you by National Technology Events