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Achieving frictionless trade in a post-Brexit era

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Thursday 1 November 2018
Searcys at The Gherkin, 30 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8EP

Freight, Logistics & Brexit: using technology to enable frictionless trade
Brexit is coming – but nobody knows what it will look like or how it will change trade. For those involved in procurement and supply chain management the uncertainty is more pronounced than for any other discipline. But that very uncertainty also provides an opportunity to revolutionise the systems and procedures to be ready for anything. There is an opportunity to not only implement best practice but create a sustainable future model for trade between the UK and member countries of the European Union. Join Alex de Ruyter, Director of the Centre for Brexit Studies at Birmingham City University and our specialist speaker (to be announced shortly) to discuss and share knowledge at The Gherkin in London over dinner.

Topics will include:
• Brexit readiness
• Brexit scenario planning
• Internal barriers, leadership & ownership
• Tax & cross-border trade relationships
• Data sovereignty
• How to achieve frictionless trade 
• Digital pre-clearance
• Using intelligent & connected information networks
• Upgrading legacy IT systems
• Leveraging IoT & AI for improved supply chain visibility & insights

The time to act is now; waiting for a ‘clear picture’ cannot prepare your organisation and might lose the chance to make your systems ‘Brexit ready’.

Those who should attend: manufacturing, automotive, high tech retail, CPG (consumer packaged goods) and other associated sectors.

Timings for the evening:
18:00 – 18:30 Welcome and refreshments
18:30 – 20:00 Introduction to fellow guests, presentations and discussion
20:00 – onwards Complimentary three-course dinner

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