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Creating the complete customer experience with AI and empowered agents

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Wednesday 26th April, 12:30

While customers in 2023 can be largely self-sufficient in resolving issues via a quick Google search or a visit to other digital channels, the capacity for direct customer support still plays a vital role in building a strong business. Especially with all the options available at a user’s fingertips, agents must be equipped with the adequate tools to provide a swift and efficient response to customer requests.

If businesses want to create an excellent experience that allows them to retain and grow their customer base, then they should spare no expense in ensuring that their agents are empowered to deal with anything that comes their way.

This can begin with smart self-service with proactive and responsive virtual agents, but ultimately there needs to be a skilled agent at hand to handle escalating issues via a combination of contextual knowledge, real-time guidance and task automation in a marriage of human expertise and artificial intelligence-informed decision making.

On top of the processes and technologies with which agents must contend, it is vital to ensure that any support solution is constantly being updated with regulatory compliance and security in mind – something which makes doing the right thing for the company, agent and client increasingly complex.

Topics for discussion:

·What are the main challenges facing contact centers in 2023?
·How can agents be empowered to deal with complex customer queries and issues?
·What are the compliance issues surrounding customer experience interactions and how can they be addressed?
·How has the shift to hybrid/remote working impacted customer support operations?
·What role can and should artificial intelligence play in the customer support experience?
·What metrics determine a successful support experience, and how can that data be used to further empower agents in how they help clients?

12:30 – 12:40 Editor’s Welcome
12:40 – 14:00 Topic Discussion