Cloud, cost and compliance: Untangling the complexity of application decommissioning
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Thursday 11th May 2023
City Social, Tower 42, 25 Old Broad St, London EC2N 1HQ
The case for moving away from legacy is compelling. Infrastructure modernisation – typically cloud-first – can support future business growth, provide scale as required, and meet the needs of a today’s, often disparate, workforce.
One challenge remains, however. Decommissioning legacy applications can be prove complex. This is not only because existing software is likely to be deeply embedded into an organisation’s established systems but, moreover, because the data applications hold cannot simply be deleted. Demanding regulatory requirements make that impossible in most cases. As a result many applications remain in place in a read-only state for years, proving an unwanted financial and resource drain.
How then should organisations approach decommissioning? How can data from applications as diverse as payroll and HR to finance and customer communications be extracted and stored?
To put it another way, what does compliant application retirement look like? This question will serve as the basis for our roundtable, bringing together peers of senior business and technology leaders from across the economy.
Topics for discussion:
• Where are you on your application retirement journey?
• What has been the biggest hurdle standing in the way of application decommissioning?
• What’s stopping you from simplifying and consolidating infrastructure as you seek to migrate legacy data to the cloud?
• What are the regulations and compliance rules that are most impacting your management of data?
• As budgets get tighter are you having to make hard choices about IT infrastructure and build?
• How do you best maintain a consistent, defensible method of managing a global records policy across cross-functional, globally-dispersed teams?
Timings for the evening:
18:00 – 18:30 Welcome and refreshments
18:30 – 20:00 Introduction to fellow guests and roundtable discussion
20:00 – onwards Complimentary three-course dinner